Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lazy weekend...

Isabel has not left the house since Friday night. That must be some kind of record for her!

Now that we're adjusting here at Mom's, I just don't feel compelled to be out and about all day long. I'm pretty content to just hang around here! Isabel is more than happy to be here. I offered to take her places yesterday and this afternoon, and she declined both times.

I'm impressed by myself. The more time I spend here, the less money I'm going to spend! Gas money, shopping money, food money, entertainment money...!

The less money I spent on other stuff will leave me with more money for my addiction...


Don't even ask. I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I am seriously obsessed/addicted with Gymboree clothing for the girls! I've been learning how the sales work, and I'm amazed at how cheap some of the stuff ends up being! I bought Isabel a pair of size 6 plus jeans for $8.99 with an additional 30% off on Thursday. That's dirt cheap! And the original price on these jeans was $36.50!

I'm stoked over Black Friday. Everything in store is 30% off before noon, and I have an additional 20% off coupon to use.

Okay, okay. Enough about Gymboree! I'm sure you get the picture by now...

Anyway... my suegra's surgery is scheduled for November 17th, I think. I'm nervous. And scared. I've never went through something like this with someone close before. I'll be going with her to the hospital that day, I think. The girls will probably stay with my madrina until my mom gets home. I'm going to ask again for you all to keep her in your prayers!

I'm going to go read some blogs now. You guys take care! Bye!


Not anymore said...

Oh my god, I am such a dork, I'm reading your comment and I was like. La guerra. is how I pronouned it, and he is like NO guera. duh...

so your not the war chick... lol your the light chick. lol.

sorry, anyway, I must say, I totally get the gymboree thing now after reading from your top post to your second post. because I said, "Wow, she must be rich, to shop at gymboree" that is some sale, and who doesn't love a sale like that. They do have good quality clothing, but i've never really shopped there, I guess I always went it when there was NO SALE.


Liz said...

Before a few weeks ago, Gymboree was a store I ignored at the mall! Everything was waaay too pricey. But now that I'm learning the sales, its pretty cheap and awesome clothing!

Thanks for commenting! LOL, that's too funny about La GUERRA! LOL!!
