Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its almost Saturday!

I've been getting things ready like crazy the last couple of days!! Jose is going to be quite impressed, because I usually wait until the very last minute to get things taken care of. I have our birth certificates ready, plenty of music for the trip, all the gifts packed, all of mine and the girls' clothes packed, batteries and camera ready, the bag of necessities that we will take with us inside of the truck, and I am currently washing heaps and heaps of old clothes of ours that I drug out of storage to give away.

Phew... I am tired!

Oh yeah, I also spent all morning at the llanteria getting the truck ready! :)

Once Jose gets home, I need to make a trip to Wal-Mart to get gift cards for my sisters and mom, and we will be ready to go!

I'm getting so excited!! The girls are, too. Isabel keeps asking me when we are leaving for Mexico! =D


chicadedios25 said...

Have fun and be safe. Keep us posted ASAP on your trip...with pix ;-)

3LittleFlowers said...

Great job!!! Have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!