Monday, December 1, 2008

I already miss him...

Awww... :(

Jose is gone. We went to the airport this afternoon to drop him off. I was in a good mood and decided to take his mom with us, since she has never been to the airport. I'm glad I did. She was in awe the entire time, and as we were leaving she kept telling me how pretty it was! LoL.

We had a great time this week, though. I'm looking forward to him coming home in December. He'll be here for two weeks! That'll be pretty cool.

I'll update more later! Take care!


Paris_In_Flames said...

lindo titulo en español!

Not anymore said...

Wow, it's really cold there too huh.

Liz said...

Paris - Thanks you, gracias por visitar a mi blog! =D

Heather - Its cold and it sucks! LOL! It was about 20 degrees F yesterday. Brrrr!!!

bordersaside said...

Oh the snow is so pretty. But even saying that I dont envy you being in it. Im loving that I can wear my T-shirts and Jeans this year for Christmas. :) I bet you do miss him already Good thing he will be back to visit soon.

chicadedios25 said...

The snow is very pretty. We haven't had any of that here in Arkansas. One day we had flurries but that is all we got.