Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Poor Jose. His flights were all delayed yesterday and he didn't get to his final destination (Binghamton, NY) until after 1am! And then he was back up at 6am to go to work. I bet he is tired!


I haven't mentioned the whole Rigo/Lupita drama in awhile. For the newer readers, Rigo is one of Jose's brothers (he has 5 brothers and two sisters). Rigo is probably one of the most immature 30 year olds I've known in a long time. Jose is constantly bailing him out of problems, lending him money, getting him a cell phone, letting him borrow vehicles, etc. etc. and all without so much as even a thank you.

Lupita is Rigo's pyscho on again/off again girlfriend. She is actually married to a friend of Jose and Rigo's that was deported to Mexico last fall. Rigo and her have been seeing each other since January.

The latest developement to there relationship came last week. They had been broken up for over a month. During that month, she had actually been staying with her husband, who was back in town. He found out about the whole Rigo thing and flipped shit. I don't blame him. He kicked Lupe to the curb and got into a fist fight with Rigo.

Rigo then moved all his stuff out of his apartment and is now living with Lupe in her mom's basement. She isn't allowed at Jose's Mom's house. I guess on Thanksgiving there was a big blow up between her and Rigo because he went to his mom's for awhile and left her at home. Ha ha ha...

And she's supposedly pregnant with his baby. We'll see.



Not anymore said...

Hey that kinda stuff keeps the world moving. Especially when it is so cold outside and maybe not as much to do. Silly as it is, I miss all that drama from E's Family in the US. He has 3 brothers up there and 2 sisters. The sisters are pretty calm. But the brothers and cousins, always have something entertaining going on. The MOST entertaining thing is this funny affair type thing that went on between a friend of mine by the same name as me, who was an on again off again lesbian. Then she hooked up with a girl again. Anyway, we would still hang out with her, cause ya know, I love her for her, not for who she is seeing. Anyway, for the next year or so, before we moved, we partied with his cousins and my friends, and they were always trying to see if they could get them in to bed. It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. Me and E would just sit there watching the interactions. And the hilarious stuff they would try. I should try to write it out in my blog, if I do I hope I can make it as funny as it actually was.

chicadedios25 said...

Yes,I love my Latinos but they are full of drama - the whole time setting there and saying "yo quiero vivir tranquilo..."