Monday, December 15, 2008

Got Christmas gifts...

I called the suegra up this afternoon and asked if she wanted to go to the mall and to Wal-Mart with me, since I figured she would want to buy some stuff to send to Mexico. On my way to pick her up, Jose's brother Sergio called me and asked if he could come with. And then once I arrived at my suegra's, her viejo (Don Martin) asked if I minded if he came with, too.

The more the merrier! :) Off to Wal-Mart we went!

I only have two more gifts to buy for Jose's people in Mexico. Sorry if this is really boring. LoL, it's more for me to remember everything that I've bought so far than anything...

This is what I've bought (broken down by family):

Sipriano (Jose's brother) - flannel jacket
Imelda (Sipriano's wife) - sweater
Erika (daughter) - hooded puffer vest
Siprianito (son) - Still need his gift. He asked me for a Playstation 2 game. I might to to Game Stop and check out the used games.
Conchita (daughter) - Toy stroller and an outfit.

Magdalena (Jose's sister) - Sweater
Nacho (Malena's husband) - flannel jacket
Paty (daughter) - Long sleeve shirt
Daniella (daughter) - Long sleeve shirt
Valeria (daughter) - Long sleeve shirt
Cece (daughter) - Little dollhouse and a dress

Maribel (Jose's sister) - Sweater
Juan (Maribel's husband) - Flannel jacket
Ana Teresa (daughter) - Toy blender w/toy food

I'm missing Jose's Dad. I was supposed to grab him a flannel jacket, too, but I forgot so I guess I'll be making another trip to Wal-Mart. Also, Paty has a baby, so I'll probably buy the baby something as well.

Sergio and Baltazar (two brothers that are here in the USA) are sending their families a bunch of stuff, so Jose was just worried about the ones that wouldn't get getting anything. I'm also still making that trip to the Dollar Tree that I mentioned. And tomorrow, I'm going to our storage unit and am bringing all the clothes I can fit in my car home to wash. Of my stuff, I brought eveything that I really liked here, so the rest I plan on taking down to Mexico and letting everyone take what they like.

LOL, this is tiresome. I have to get everything done by Friday or Jose will seriously have a heart attack!


bordersaside said...

Thats so awesome that your bringing your old cloths down to give away to his family. They will surely appreciate it. Good luck with the packing. Its nice that you are not limited because you are driving.

Liz said...

That's the main reason that Jose wanted to take the truck - so that we can fill the back up with stuff to take down there. His Mom has been saving stuff up for over a year now for one of her grand daughters, so she has quite the collection going on! :) I'm excited to see what I find in my garage to take down there. I know I had a ton of clothes that didn't fit any more... And a ton of the girls' clothes!