Sunday, January 18, 2009

The girls and Mexico...

If you would have asked me, before the trip, which of the girls was going to enjoy Mexico the most, without a doubt I would have answered Olivia.

Within a couple of days or so, it was pretty easy to realize how wrong I would have been. Olivia was clingy and whiny, and wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone who would listen that she missed her MeMaw (my mom), her toys, her clothes, and all of her shoes. The food didn't taste the same and she couldn't figure out why all of the cartoons were in Spanish. Worst of all, the toilet didn't flush right and the bath water was freezing cold.

Isabel, on the other hand, was in heaven. After every meal, she would exclaim how delicious the food was. On our second day there, she begged and pleaded to go spend the night at Jose's aunt's house, who she didn't really know that well at all. The entire time we were there, I think she only slept in our room two or three times. She loved playing in the dirt and bathing in the plastic tubs, and she especially loved all the little kids there were to play with.


Baby Mama said...

It is definitely easy to go overboard when planning a birthday! I already have all these crazy ideas in my head and I have to stop myself before they get out of control!

The pictures from your trip to Mexico are BEAUTIFUL!

bordersaside said...

kids will always amaze us.

3LittleFlowers said...

You never know what to expect with kids... I know that sooo well!!!!! Great pics!!

Jennifer said...

Love your pictures and catching up with you on your blog. (I tried to log into your wordpress one but it wouldn't let me)

It's funny how kids can be so different than what we expect them to be isnt it?
